It's been a little over a week since the Next Conference and all I can say is that it was a very blessing and humbling experience. I didn't know what to expect before I went but I just know that I went with an open heart and knew that I needed it.
I didn't know any of the praise songs that the bands played and it was different from what I was used to but it didn't hinder me from praising any differently. It actually helped me to focus on the words more rather than the music.
If you missed the conference don't worry!
I encourage all of you that are reading this to download the messages and listen to them. Such great speakers, and it was definitely life changing hearing the word of God from all of them. They are all truly genuine people that have such a wonderful passion for God. It was contagious!
When was the last time you set aside time for what is most important? For the person who is most important?
Laziness and familiarity can take their toll. Jesus becomes comfortable, a habit, not exciting or awe inspiring. Too often he fades into the background of our busy lives.
But Jesus hasn't changed. And he invites us to meet him again.
The same Jesus who spoke the universe into being. The same Jesus who went from heaven's glory to a stable. The same Jesus who took on flesh, walked the earth, and carried our sorrows. The same Jesus who suffered, bled, and died on the cross as our substitute, for our sins. The same Jesus who conquered death and rose from the grave. The same Jesus who will one day return.
We gather to worship him, to study his Word, and to rediscover who he is and what he has done.
Join us and spend four days meeting Jesus again.
That's exactly what it was and it was beautiful to rediscover Him again :]
Next Conference 2010 is going to be in Baltimore again! • May 28th - 31st
Mark it on your calendars!
My friend Jung let me read this book and I think every Christian should read it. So many people, especially nowadays are tolerant to everything and are afraid that they're going to offend someone. I am guilty of it myself. When really we should stand up for what we believe in and speak the truth. But always remember to speak through love!
It talks about moral relativism and how it's, yeah... stupid. Moral Relativism is a way of looking at the world that says what is right or wrong for you depends on what you think is morally right or wrong. In other words, everything is relative.
"And what about the idea that there is no absolute truth? I mean, first of all, the statement itself is a declaration of absolute truth."
Add it to your summer reading!!!
It's a very short read but you will get so much out of it.