I LOVE finding bargains and buying used CDs & DVDs!
Record & Tape Traders is one of my favorite stores.
I didn't realize it was Maryland based until recently, with one Delaware store.
That makes it that much cooler.

It's sad that a lot of record shops have closed down because of people just not buying records anymore. All because of the internet and downloading. That makes me so sad :( Okay... I admit, I illegally download a couple songs here and there, mostly mainstream singles that I don't feel the need to buy the CD for. Shoot me. Yeah everyone does it but it doesn't make it right, right? That's besides the point. But really, if I like a record... I will go out and buy it. The anticipation of waiting for it to come out in stores gets me real excited. I look forward to Tuesdays at Best Buy because that's when the new releases come out and you can buy it for cheap!
I don't find it very exciting to sit at my laptop and download an album from iTunes. Because watching that download bar is just so awesome. The only time I'll download from iTunes is if I can't get a physical copy of an EP or record anywhere... or if it's a band I really like and they only have a couple of singles out for download.
Since I'm a graphic designer I love buying records for the album art as well. I love flipping through the little booklets and looking at the artwork, photos and different layouts/folds that the designer came up with. It helps me as an artist to get inspired. I don't think some people understand the importance of the album art. The music speaks for itself but the art also speaks a huge part of what the album means. Yeah you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but if something looks like crap it will affect my decision of purchase. If something looks cheap, you're not going to buy it. So it's very important to put a lot of thought in how you want to portray whatever you're selling. But of course, if I know a book or a record is really good, I'm going to buy it whether it's ugly or not. But I mean, if it's that good... then it will obviously have a decent design right?
/end rant.
I was at Suncoast today at White Marsh Mall and some guys walked in asking if there were any stores in the mall that sold CDs and the worker said there hasn't been for about 3 years now. That actually surprised me when I thought about it. I hadn't realized. I remember when there was 'The Wall' and 'FYE'. But that's kind of ridiculous that we don't have anymore of those stores in the mall anymore.
I just really hope record stores will still be alive and well even 10 years from now. PLEASE GOD. It will definitely be the end of the world if they disappear. Lord, just take me if that ever happens.
I bought Melee's 'Everyday Behavior' for $3.00 at Record & Tape Traders!!!
I love digging and hunting through the used bargain section.
There are CDs as cheap as a $1.00!
This is a fairly old record from them but it's really good.
They're pretty popular for their song "The War"
It's a beautiful song, def check it out if you haven't heard it before.

So I thought I'd see what the big fuss was about.
(Bought this CD/DVD for $8.99!)
Anyway, I listened through the whole album and it's alright.
All of their songs kind of sound the same to me.
But I'll give it to Craig Owens, he's a great singer...
I still prefer Anthony Green & Circa Survive ;]

Columbia Mall's Suncoast had a Buy 2 get 1 free deal for the used DVDs!
So I got me The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Season 1 & 2 and The Incredible Hulk Season 1! Don't know if you know about Lou Ferrigno and the Hulk... my brother and I grew up watching this show.

Single, Double, Triple :]
I got the single, Jay got the double, and my bro got the triple.
Fatties for life!

My family and I went to Golden Corral to eat dinner today and without even asking the dude charged my dad as a Senior and my brother and I as children 9-12 years old. My mom was the only one that was charged normally. We all found this completely hilarious. We saved a crap load of money so can't complain. $4.50 for a buffet dinner? HEYOOOOOOOOO!
Some of you know my love for Cinnamon rolls. Had one again on Sunday.
Found this really cute/hilarious/inappropriate book at Barnes.
I could sit in the Humor section all day and read all of the random books.
I'm working for a company called 'Signs By Tomorrow'
It's a part-time freelance job and I work from home!
Can't get any better than that. God's timing is amazing.
I go in tomorrow morning to get the details on my first job and get started.
No mo' bein po'!