I fell back in love with Baltimore yesterday when I went to the Inner Harbor to take some photos with my good friend Joe Kim. I am proud to say that I was born and raised here. Such a beautiful city. So many places I still haven't seen and been to, but I am making it a mission to know this city inside and out before I die. You can view the rest of the photos here: http://jinakim.tumblr.com/

Reminds me of Little Mermaid... maybe it's the seagull.

Cruel child! Get away from them!

Friendliest ducks I've ever met. Absolutely love them.

Stopped by Urban Outfitters (my first time there... didn't even know we had one here) and got me these incredibly cool letters made from recycled materials to spell out my name!
Since I'm jobless right now and not in school... I've tried not to waste my days and have actually taken this time to go to places I've never been to, revisit places, revert back to childhood activities, pursue things that I've been planning to do for years, spend time with friends, and pretty much just being spontaneous with life. Through all of these things I'm seeing the beauty of life again and the beauty of God. He is revealing Himself to me everyday and it's been so amazing.
There definitely was a reason why I haven't been employed these past couple of months. It's been hard but God has provided like He always does. I'm not really worried about finding a job at the moment because I know that when it's time, it will happen. But also during this time I've learned so much about myself, others, and life in general.
My passions have been rekindled.
(as cheesy as that sounds.)
Pictures are dope, as always.
The forum that I participate in has a photography thread. Wasn't sure you'd be interested, but the link's right there.