Praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who conquered Satan, Sin, and Death. We'd all be screwed if it weren't for Him.
I didn't eat any eggs or candy this year. It's becoming less and less about those things and more about God and focusing on what He's done for us. How amazing is it? No matter how much I think about it... it still boggles my mind. I am and will always be in awe of You.
So I've had my enV for around 4 years now.... we've been through a lot together. What a trooper it was... survived so many falls and a fall into the toilet. But it's time I move on. Hello BlackBerry Curve! I've always been a LG phone user but I needed a phone with fast email because my work consists of me checking my email all the time since I work from home. BlackBerry Storm was too fancy for me. I like my phones to have actual keys please. I didn't like it at first because I felt like I was using a PC... but I got over it within a couple of hours. Yeah... I've become one of those people.
Here are the records I bought recently... and I recommend to everyone! Most of them are kind of old, because 2005 is old now haha. Oldies but goodies! :]
♫ Ace Enders & A Million Different People ♫
New record from Ace Enders, he's from the band 'The Early November' if you've ever heard of them! Great band and his solo project is obviously good.

♫ Surrogate • Love Is For The Rich ♫
They're a duo from Tooth & Nail Records.
If you like acoustic bands, def check these guys out.
Beautiful record. I've played this while going to sleep and I pass out after the first song. And I mean that in the best way possible ;]
♫ Kaddisfly • Buy Our Intention: We'll Buy You A Unicorn ♫
After sitting on my iPod and killing it a couple of years back, I almost forgot about this band. Good thing I discovered them again! So good.

♫ The Graduate • Anhedonia ♫
Thank you Record & Tape Traders for letting me have this for 3 bucks!

♫ Minus The Bear • Menos el Oso ♫

♫ Sufjan Stevens • Illinoise ♫
This man is an absolute genius.
Listening to this record in the morning is amazing.

BE THERE.... please?
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