Monday, March 30, 2009

feed me & I will love you.

I wanted to get a coffee table for my room but space-wise didn't think it would work. But while I was vacuuming my brother's room I noticed that he had furniture that he wasn't even making good use of, so I decided to move them into my room. And it's a perfect fit :]

Dry shampoo is probably one of the best inventions.
This is such a life-saver for me because I am such a grease machine.
I haven't tried other dry cleansers from other companies but Ojon Hair works so well! You can buy it at Sephora.
It literally makes my hair look fresh and like I just washed it.
Gives me an excuse not to wash my hair.
I admit, I hate taking showers. I'm dirty. So what.
I should do a before and after.

Linda Lee knows the key to my heart.
She's always surprising me with snacks and buying me food.
Once I get my first paycheck I will take you out to eat!
And pay you back, I promise.

We stopped by la Madeleine to buy a birthday dessert for Aaron.
It's such a cute bakery/cafe. We got these little parfait things.
Linda literally finished hers in a matter of seconds.

I love Honest Tea.
This stuff is delicious.
Anything organic, I love.
Thanks again Linda!

But I was quite disappointed :/
I'm gonna go back and try out their Afternoon Flatbreads.
They look more tasty.

I was curious and looked up if they actually have alien guitar picks...
And they do haha!

Lately I've been experiencing sleep paralysis/lucid dreams. At first it scared the crap out of me, but it happens so often now that I'm just like... really? Usually when I have it, I'm sleeping on my back and it always starts off with the same dark figure/shadow messing around with me. It's constantly pushing or pulling my blanket, pretty much making me aware that it's there.

Last night was the first time I had it in a while and this time the black figure wasn't there. I took my sleep aid because I absolutely could not fall asleep last night and I think that's what caused it. And since it makes me drowsy, I was in and out of sleep... I'm going to stop taking that junks.

As always I was on my back and saw my normal dark room. Then all of a sudden I started to hear this weird buzzing/hovering noise, then felt something scratching and tugging on the right side of my blanket. Then I felt a heavy pressure on my whole body. So I started to pray to God to stop it and at this point, I'm pretty ticked off and so I got vulgar with whatever it was (or at least tried to.) I think I pissed it off and the pressure on my body increased. I woke up and caught myself saying "Get the f*** off of me..." over and over. HAHAHA! My mom thinks it's because of my new winter blanket, she says it's too heavy so she changed it to a lighter one for Spring haha!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Now, this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down.

I LOVE finding bargains and buying used CDs & DVDs!
Record & Tape Traders is one of my favorite stores.
I didn't realize it was Maryland based until recently, with one Delaware store.
That makes it that much cooler.

It's sad that a lot of record shops have closed down because of people just not buying records anymore. All because of the internet and downloading. That makes me so sad :( Okay... I admit, I illegally download a couple songs here and there, mostly mainstream singles that I don't feel the need to buy the CD for. Shoot me. Yeah everyone does it but it doesn't make it right, right? That's besides the point. But really, if I like a record... I will go out and buy it. The anticipation of waiting for it to come out in stores gets me real excited. I look forward to Tuesdays at Best Buy because that's when the new releases come out and you can buy it for cheap! 

I don't find it very exciting to sit at my laptop and download an album from iTunes. Because watching that download bar is just so awesome. The only time I'll download from iTunes is if I can't get a physical copy of an EP or record anywhere... or if it's a band I really like and they only have a couple of singles out for download. 

Since I'm a graphic designer I love buying records for the album art as well. I love flipping through the little booklets and looking at the artwork, photos and different layouts/folds that the designer came up with. It helps me as an artist to get inspired. I don't think some people understand the importance of the album art. The music speaks for itself but the art also speaks a huge part of what the album means. Yeah you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but if something looks like crap it will affect my decision of purchase. If something looks cheap, you're not going to buy it. So it's very important to put a lot of thought in how you want to portray whatever you're selling. But of course, if I know a book or a record is really good, I'm going to buy it whether it's ugly or not. But I mean, if it's that good... then it will obviously have a decent design right?

/end rant.

I was at Suncoast today at White Marsh Mall and some guys walked in asking if there were any stores in the mall that sold CDs and the worker said there hasn't been for about 3 years now. That actually surprised me when I thought about it. I hadn't realized. I remember when there was 'The Wall' and 'FYE'. But that's kind of ridiculous that we don't have anymore of those stores in the mall anymore.

I just really hope record stores will still be alive and well even 10 years from now. PLEASE GOD. It will definitely be the end of the world if they disappear. Lord, just take me if that ever happens.

I bought Melee's 'Everyday Behavior' for $3.00 at Record & Tape Traders!!!
I love digging and hunting through the used bargain section.
There are CDs as cheap as a $1.00!
This is a fairly old record from them but it's really good.
They're pretty popular for their song "The War"
It's a beautiful song, def check it out if you haven't heard it before.

So I thought I'd see what the big fuss was about.
(Bought this CD/DVD for $8.99!)
Anyway, I listened through the whole album and it's alright.
All of their songs kind of sound the same to me.
But I'll give it to Craig Owens, he's a great singer...
I still prefer Anthony Green & Circa Survive ;]

Columbia Mall's Suncoast had a Buy 2 get 1 free deal for the used DVDs!
So I got me The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Season 1 & 2 and The Incredible Hulk Season 1! Don't know if you know about Lou Ferrigno and the Hulk... my brother and I grew up watching this show.

Single, Double, Triple :]
I got the single, Jay got the double, and my bro got the triple.
Fatties for life!

My family and I went to Golden Corral to eat dinner today and without even asking the dude charged my dad as a Senior and my brother and I as children 9-12 years old. My mom was the only one that was charged normally. We all found this completely hilarious. We saved a crap load of money so can't complain. $4.50 for a buffet dinner? HEYOOOOOOOOO!

Some of you know my love for Cinnamon rolls. Had one again on Sunday.
Found this really cute/hilarious/inappropriate book at Barnes.
I could sit in the Humor section all day and read all of the random books.

I'm working for a company called 'Signs By Tomorrow'
It's a part-time freelance job and I work from home!
Can't get any better than that. God's timing is amazing.
I go in tomorrow morning to get the details on my first job and get started.
No mo' bein po'!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Rainy day at the Chesapeake Bay... 03.14.09


Hot Bowl. Mashed Potatoes & Mac N' Cheese topped with chicken tenders.
(and hot sauce of course.)

“Yeah, I slam them every night because in no way, shape or form do I back anything they do or say and I am embarrassed that kids these days are into it and am sad that kids these days are exposed to it. There is absolutely no substance whatsoever in their songs and no passion in anything they do. It is the musical equivalent of a snow cone, bland tasting frozen tap water loaded with sugar, yet colorful, that will give you a brain freeze, melt all over your hands leaving yourself dissatisfied and sticky. They seem like pretty harmless guys but if I don’t voice my opinion on what I think about Brokencyde then I have no right to ever speak up about any other injustices to the music scene in the future. There are only going to be more Brokencydes in the coming months with Millionaires, Breath Carolina and countless other mindless white suburban hip-hop “acts” popping up. I never thought Id say this but this new wave of horse shit makes me look back and not hate Atom and His Package because at least he was original. I know I am not going to change anything, there will still be 14 year old girls that like their colorful merch and there terrible club beats but if I can make one person at least question the authenticity and integrity of singing the words “let’s get freaky now, let’s get fucking freaky now” then I think it is well worth the effort.”

-Buddy from Senses Fail on his current tour mates

AGREED. Couldn't have said it better myself. Never really liked Senses Fail's music but I respect this man for voicing his opinion and speaking the truth. It's about time.

Speaking of music... here are some records I bought recently.

♫ This Providence • Who Are You Now?
(I will always love their self-titled record the best. This one is more on the simple pop rock side, but I like it for what it is! It's an album that grows on you as you keep listening to it.)

♫ New Found Glory • Not Without A Fight
(Back to their fast pop punk sound! Their previous record, 'Coming Home' was more mellow, but I love it. Their past records will always be the best.)

♫ The Fashion (Really awesome band. They make me want to dance.)

♫ Dear And The Headlights • Drunk Like Bible Times
(The name of the record is just genius haha! Great indie rock band.)

♫ A Day To Remember • Homesick
(I'm kind of obsessed with the song "Holdin' It Down For The Underground" at the moment.)

Look what I found at Best Buy... so weird.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Old Town Alexandria, VA

Went to Old Town Alexandria, VA on Thursday with my friend Richard :]
Such a beautiful town with neat little shops and so many different places to eat! Definitely a date spot for all you couples out there.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

This will be the death of me... my kryptonite.

Chopped my bangs off because they were getting long.
Now I look like a little Chinese girl - -,

Steve... a Christian man that is afraid of aliens. 
But has alien looking toes.

This stuff is literally, MAGIC.
We cleaned our church carpet stains with this and literally once you apply it the stain disappears... and it's only 5 bucks! PURPLE POWER!

Oh man... funniest book hahaha!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bawldamore love.

I fell back in love with Baltimore yesterday when I went to the Inner Harbor to take some photos with my good friend Joe Kim. I am proud to say that I was born and raised here. Such a beautiful city. So many places I still haven't seen and been to, but I am making it a mission to know this city inside and out before I die. You can view the rest of the photos here:

Reminds me of Little Mermaid... maybe it's the seagull.

Cruel child! Get away from them!

Friendliest ducks I've ever met. Absolutely love them.

Stopped by Urban Outfitters (my first time there... didn't even know we had one here) and got me these incredibly cool letters made from recycled materials to spell out my name!

Since I'm jobless right now and not in school... I've tried not to waste my days and have actually taken this time to go to places I've never been to, revisit places, revert back to childhood activities, pursue things that I've been planning to do for years, spend time with friends, and pretty much just being spontaneous with life. Through all of these things I'm seeing the beauty of life again and the beauty of God. He is revealing Himself to me everyday and it's been so amazing.

There definitely was a reason why I haven't been employed these past couple of months. It's been hard but God has provided like He always does. I'm not really worried about finding a job at the moment because I know that when it's time, it will happen. But also during this time I've learned so much about myself, others, and life in general.

My passions have been rekindled.
(as cheesy as that sounds.)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

you don't know what you're missing...

I watched 'WATCHMEN' today... despite what you may have heard, it was pretty darn good! It was an incredibly 3 hours long but time flew pretty fast while watching it. A lot of people have said that it was horrible and then of course there were those that thought it was really good. Which usually means that you have to go see it for yourself. People... don't let other people's opinions influence your judgment on things, not just movies but in everything in life. If you experience something yourself, you are entitled to have an opinion on whatever it may be. Not saying, you don't have an opinion. But it's like saying you hate apples when you've never had an apple before. Of course there are exceptions... like if a majority of people say that a movie is horrible, it usually is. Or that drugs are bad..... you obviously don't need to try it to know that! I'm just tired of hearing people say, "I heard this, I heard that" and making assumptions. We all know what road that takes us. My point is that, whether the experience is good or bad... don't be afraid to try something. At least you'll know for sure that you like it or don't like it or know that something is right or isn't right for you.

I kind of ranted... sorry.

But I can see how some people didn't like it. If you approached it like another superhero movie like 'Spiderman'... you're obviously not going to like it. Because it's not just another superhero movie. How you approach things makes a huge difference on your outlook. There was some slight cheesiness, which I liked and the fact that it was a lot darker than what we're used to seeing from DC Comic movies. I thought that it was visually amazing and beautiful, especially the opening credits. PLUS the soundtrack is pretty amazing I must say. Zack Snyder has good taste in music!

I grew up watching Terminator, so it's a pretty big deal.
The last Terminator movie doesn't count by the way.

:D :D :D :D :D

So I just want to share with yall some of my new faves...
I wish I discovered these shows earlier!
I really don't like most of the cartoons that are out right now, but these are absolutely hilarious and remind me of the awkward humor of classic cartoons like Rocko's Modern Life and Ren & Stimpy.
I definitely think these are way better than Spongebob Squarepants.
YES. I said it. Plus the animation rules, which is a super plus for me.

Watch these shows on Cartoon Network when you get the chance!

"Chowder dreams of becoming a great chef someday. But the young apprentice must first find his way in the mystical city of Marzipan, where the simplest recipes become the craziest adventures."

Chowder's best friend is a stink cloud named "Kimchi" hahaha!
I thought that was so funny and genius. And I am not offended at all.
Because it's true.

'The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack'
"follows a young boy named Flapjack who was raise inside a talking whale named Bubbie. After Flapjack rescues a shipwrecked crusty old pirate named Captin K'nuckles, the misadvantures begin. Flapjack and Captain K'nuckles set tsail in search of the magical Candied Island filled with lollipop trees and lemonade springs and trouble."

There's a creepy but a very amusing character named 'Doctor Barber'.
Everything he says makes me crack up! He's primarily a barber but also assumes the role of a doctor, hence his name.

:D :D :D :D :D

Chicken Salad Sandwiches from Chick-Fil-A with a juice box! WOW WOW.

Fresh black bass strings... yum.